
FreshBooks is the leader in online invoicing for creative professionals and solopreneurs. We have enjoyed an 11 year relationship with FreshBooks from their earliest days building the brand through activations including Roadburn, The famous FreshBooks Banana Stand, The FreshBooks Supper Club, hosting over 500 customer dinners to most recently creating their tentpole sub-brand and event #imakealiving and the #imakealiving podcast.

Small Business Group Therapy

There are no shortage of places to get information on how to start a business but very few places to talk to other people and learn how to manage the ups and downs of running a business once you are past the initial launch. This was the idea behind #imakealiving. Named after the famous Groucho Marx joke. every month we would travel to a different city bringing together FreshBooks customers in a casual environment to meet each other, learn from a panel of local people in the same position as the attendees with every event closing with a keynote from Saul Colt teaching how to get attention for your brand. The Idea Integration created this event and co-ran this event for 18 months with Meryl Manning from FreshBooks. After the 18 months with us the event lives and is run now by the FreshBooks events team.

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From the events we used the on stage conversations to create the iTunes top 50 “#imakealiving podcast powered by FreshBooks”

Bonus Video

When FreshBooks decided to relaunch their service from scratch we were there to help get the word out.


FloQast - FloFest


Methodify by Delvinia